Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 13: Sydney!!!

What an enjoyable day in Sydney we had today!  Despite the rain and being soaked to the bone, we saw almost all of Sydney today.  We did a city tour via the bus all around town in the a.m.  Went out to Bondi Beach, stopped at a bunch of look-outs, & got great shots of the Opera House & the Bridge.  We stopped at the Opal Museum (sigh…birthstone…I resisted…), grabbed some lunch, and took a boat cruise of Sydney Harbour…in the rain.  We were dropped off in Darling Harbour and visited Sydney Wildlife Park before dinner.  It’s a mini-zoo, but after visiting Currumbin, it’s not as cool…good, but not as interactive.  After dinner we did a quick walk over the bridge and got some great shots of Sydney at night, all lit up.  It was an early night for us, but after traipsing all over the city in the rain, we were exhausted.  Tomorrow is our free day and we’re hoping the weather holds out…but we’re not optimistic.  We’ve got a few back-up plans for tomorrow, weather dependent.  Sydney is really a lovely, fun, vivid city…which is hard to see thru the raindrops.  Praying for good weather tomorrow…
~steph J

Team Iowa & driver Troy & Tour director Adam at the Gap

We love Sydney!!

Rain, Rain...Go Away!!

Even Eddie got some ups !!

Such a great looking bunch of people!!

Boat Cruise

Out for an evening stroll...Eddie got a new umbrella!

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