Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Lost Luggage--Found

Well, after a stressful day of dealing with the lovely people at United in Des Moines, all our luggage showed up by 9:30 p.m. I talked with some lovely ladies on the United 800 number who helped me arrange delivery. Then, got frustrated with the nasty people in Des Moines who were NO help and couldn't give me any answers, just gave me attitude. Had to talk with the supervisor at the 800 # and he was NO help. Ended up driving to the Moline airport to pick up our luggage, just as the Riverside kids were having their delivered. Such stress, for stupid reasons... not a big fan of the United DM agents.

I think we're all adjusting back to reality, slowly but surely. Glad we brought the awesome weather home with us!! The kids wrote some very sweet things in my journal - such fun memories to go back & read. Am currenly uploading pics - will put some on here as well.

Thanks to those who faithfully followed and read my blog!! Am off to Houston for a conference on Sunday and then to Denver the next week. Next big overseas adventure will be in September to Paris.

Hope you enjoy your summer!!

Toodles for now ~ steph :)

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