Thursday, June 9, 2016

Day 2: We have arrived!!

We have arrived!!
We are safe & sound in Madrid. Flights went well, but we did have to move rather quickly in Paris to make our connection to Madrid.
Once in Madrid, we checked in to our hotel, hit the metro, and headed downtown.  Our first stop was the infamous Prado art museum where we saw paintings by Velazquez,  Goya, Murillo,  etc... After a few hrs, we were ready for dinner & then back to the hotel.
We are exhausted,  which is normal on Day 2. It's warm & sunny, and tomorrow should be the same.
So, we're off to shower & to bed & ready to see this capital city mañana!
I'll try to post pics, but WiFi is a little slow.
Hasta mañana!!


stempel said...

Have a good one!!!

Terri's Global Scholars said...

I love the Prado! Buen viaje!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you made it . Have fun