Sunday, June 19, 2016

Day 12: Our day in Barcelona

And then there was left...

All the other groups left this morning while we opted to stay another day. I had planned this extra day from the start with one goal in mind: La Sagrada Familia.  2 yrs ago I went in for the first time and vowed all my other trips would go in. So to assure the time to go in, we added a day to our!
So we got tix on line and off to the Sagrada Familia we went.  Was cool to see what has been added over the last 2 amazes me everytime.  The pictures don't do it justice but they work.
We then headed to the beach, had a 2 hr lunch and tried to find a spot in the sand. But about a million of our closest friends had the same idea on a Sunday, so I made a home base & off the kids went.
After dinner, we headed back to the hotel with lots of laughs & reminiscing.
We are currently getting packed up for our flights home tomorrow.
While we hado an amazing, unforgettable time, we are ready for home.

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