Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Day 8: Mindo

Day 8 had us saying good-bye to the Florida group as they had a midday flight. Our flight wasn't until 11:30pm, so we arranged an excursion outside of Quito.  We traveled to the cloud forest town of Mindo, 2 hrs out of Quito.

Our first stop was a hummingbird sanctuary.   Out of the 300+ different types of hummingbirds in the world, over 130 have been seen here.  They're hard to take pics of as they move super fast!!

 We got lucky and some toucans stopped by for some bananas.

Our next stop was a butterfly sanctuary where we told how to pick up & hold butterflies.  There were hundreds of them in a variety of colors.

My awesome chaperones!!

After the hummingbirds & butterflies, we headed for lunch. We branched out from what we've been eating (lots of rice!) and went for pizza!!  Delish!

 Our local guide for the day, Diego, serenaded us at lunch.  
Seems like all our guides on this trip are musically inclined. :)

Thanks Diego for taking such good care of my kids!!  Thanks to Lenin for arranging the entire day!

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