Saturday, June 26, 2010

Madrid mania

Flamenco Night in Madrid
Kids at the Royal Palace

Ice cream break on our looooooong bus ride

Obviously, we're at Zaragoza :)
Sweet Home Madrid!!
We left Barcelona early and headed west to Madrid... looooong bus ride. Stopped for a quick tour & lunch stop in Zaragoza - beautiful city - gorgeous cathedral. There were actually holes in the ceiling where a couple bombs came thru but luckily never exploded. They now are hanging on the wall. Grabbed quick tapas for lunch and got back on the bus... were prob on the bus a good 7+ hrs... ay :(

Arrived in Madrid and checked into our hotel - awesome location - right off of Gran Via - and headed to the Prado. Got to see all the amazing works of Velazquez and Goya and a whole bunch of other artists that aren't coming to me right now! :) Had a nice dinner of pasta, croquetas and ice cream :) Went out later for a walking tour... and it started pouring on us. So, we ducked into the mercado, then made a break for it and ran towards the Plaza Mayor for a Coke to try & wait it out. Ended up walking home in the ran... just not as heavy a rain.

Friday we did a city tour on the bus as well as a tour of the Royal Palace... still gorgeous as ever. :) Had a nice lunch and during our free time we headed out to the Reina Sofia museum to see some Picasso - Guernica (mainly). We then took a cab back, did some shopping, and quickly changed for an amazing evening of Spanish culture: tapas, churros y chocolate, and World Cup Soccer.

Went to this great, old place for tapas. The kids got to try ham & cheese, chorizo, tortilla espanola, calimari, as well as a bit of Sangria. The Tuna guys showed up and did some singing & playing music for them - good stuff!! We then headed for Churros y Chocolate - soooooo yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The best ever!! Afterwards, we HAD to go find a place to watch the big game: Spain v. Chile. Ended up in an Irish Pub (drinking Coke) and watching the game with all the Spaniards. Kids loved it!! Some bought flags and joined in the fun!!

Sad to leave Madrid, but now heading south - Sevilla here we come!!

I'll post pics later!!
~steph :)

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