Thursday, July 11, 2019

Peru: Mon, July 8

Today we woke up to the most gorgeous blue skies, bright sun, and warm temps!  So much that the girls had to get in the pool.  Most were pushed....but that's just details :)  The weather is just amazing down here!  Crazy how we have blue skies while Lima is gray gray gray!  No complaints here!
Had a nice, relaxing morning - of course some more shopping.  Delicious lunch and then it was dune time!
New this year is that the dune buggies are not allowed into the city, so after a little bit of a hike to the buggies, off they went!  It's amazing how you literally feel like you're in the Sahara - sand as far as you can see!  A couple were adventurous enough to try their hand at surfing the dunes on their stomachs!  Lots of laughter...and sand everywhere!
Back to Las Bananas for showers and a BBQ dinner!  We had some heated games during game night as well - nice to unplug for a while.  But as the sun disappears, so do the warm temps!  It sure gets cold at night!!
Tomorrow is the day we are all dreading.... driving back to Lima to pack and leave.....

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