Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Day 4: Stonehenge and Salisbury

Today we traded the hustle & bustle of busy London for the quaint English countryside. Our first pit stop after a nap on the bus was Stonehenge. While some may think it's just a pile of rocks, it just fascinating how it all came to be...and how HUGE the stones are. Our timing was perfect as summer solstice occurs in 2 days...and we definitely don't need to be here for the 40,000 druids that will show up.  But we got a preview today...

Next stop was Salisbury, and its massive Cathedral.  After lunch in the town,  we took a tour of the impressive Cathedral and even saw the Magna Carta. I think everyone really enjoyed Salisbury.  It was so quiet & peaceful-quite a change from London.

We headed back to London for dinner at Wagamama's and worked on our chopstick skills...or lack thereof!

Tonight we're packing as we have an early train to Paris tomorrow!

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