Sunday, June 30, 2019

Day 15: Pompeii and Sorrento

Today we packed up and headed south to the cooler temps. Our main stop today was Pompeii, where we were greeted by Roberto, our local guide. He took us on an amazing tour of Pompeii and was fascinating to listen to as he was an archeologist on the Pompeii dig. Luckily we had a bit of a breeze and could find shade, so it was tolerable today.
We had an entertaining lunch...and a show... and finished the day in Pompeii with shopping & slushies.
We headed down the coast to Sorrento and got some pool time at our hotel. It was just what everyone needed!!
Hard to believe tomorrow is our last day...feels like we just got here, but also feels like we've been here for a month. Crazy how travel can affect you in a variety of ways!

Day 14: Free day in Rome!

After yesterday, we all needed some extra sleep. We didn't leave until 10am, and headed into Rome. As it was a holiday, there was hardly any traffic. We dropped off near the Spanish steps. Some broke off and went back there and to do some shopping.  The rest went with Fran to the Capuchin church...aka the bone church. It's really unexplainable so I'll let them tell you when they get home! We then headed to the Pantheon as they were only open until 1pm. When we got there, the line was across the plaza...and then some.  So, we all went off for lunch. So explored the Duck Store of Rome,  some hit Piazza Navona, others went to Piazza Venezia, etc...
We all met up at Trevi Fountain and went for dinner. As the bus had to pick us up by the Colosseum,  we got some great, and last minute, photo ops before heading back to our hotel.  We also said good bye to Sandy's family as they are heading to Germany tomorrow.
Gotta get packed - we're heading South on Sunday...where it's  cooler...figure that one out!!

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Day 13: Roma.....all in a day!!

What took 24 centuries to build, we saw in less than 24 hours. Due to the holiday weekend of St Peter & St Paul, most of the major sites are closed tomorrow,  so we had to get our visits in today. Plus, there's a huge heatwave hitting Europe right now, mostly in the north (Paris = 115°), but it's about 99 here in Rome today.
First stop, the Roman Forum & Colosseum.  No matter how many times you see it, it's just so impressive! A quick lunch near the Vatican City, and then we met with our next local guide.  We did a tour of the Vatican museum, Sistene Chapel, and then in to St Peter's Basilica.  They were getting all set up for tomorrow's celebration.
We then meandered along the river and arrived at Piazza Navona for a quick gelato break before dinner.
After Pizza dinner, our next local guide, Luigi,  met us for our Rome by Night tour....which is usually more on the bus, but as it wasn't  dark yet,  we walked to a bunch of sites. We saw Piazza Navona,  Parthenon, Trevi Fountain,  and the Spanish Steps...phew.... Then we got on the bus and drove by some big sites all lit up, before heading back to our hotel.
Exhausted....but amazed at all we did & saw today. So proud of the kids for keeping up, staying hydrated,  and just being amazing!!

Day 12: Assisi, on our way to Roma!

We left our lovely little town of Montecatini,  and headed southeast towards Assisi, home of Saint Francis. We arrived early so we were able to wander the town, see the main square, and grab some lunch.
We met with our local guide and she showed us the beautiful 2-story church and all the frescos, tomb of St Francis, and learned about the life of St Francis.
We sadly left Tuscany and headed to Roma....and the traffic. Checked in, had dinner, and prepared ourselves for tomorrow....

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Day 11: Pisa & Florence

We got a bit of a sleep-in this morning and headed to Pisa! Boy, has the heat kicked in...and we have noticed! We walked into the walled town of Pisa to see the Tower. Also, in the complex is the Baptistry, the Cathedral, as well as the Tower. After some photos, we met up with our local guide. First we went to the Baptistry to hear the echos of the chants & climb to the top. Next was the black & white striped arches, then the tower. Most were surprised that there were other buildings in the complex, and not just the Tower.
Next we headed into Florence for a quick lunch, and to meet up with our local guide. The kids were troopers as well saw the beautiful sites of Florence.  We ended at a leather demonstration & shop, and were left with some free time before dinner.
A great day in Florence....and off to Rome tomorrow!!

Day 10: Let's go to Italy!!!

Today we sadly said good-bye to Switzerland and headed south to Italy. The tunnel was closed so we took the by-pass....and what a drive it was!! Breathtaking views, winding roads, and snow!!
We did a surprise lunch Milan!!! Italy, not Illinois!! Haha! What a beautiful city, with the impressive Cathedral, and large fortress....great place for lunch!
After lunch, we continued south...heading into the heat. There's a heat wave hitting Europe this week....temps 100+....ugh....  So we've been talking about this with the kids, trying to prep for the next few days.
Arrived to Montecatini with almost an hour to relax, chill before dinner.  Pasta in Italy is usually the first course, with meat as the second course.
Our hotel is cute....and has air, so we are happy.
Tomorrow we're off to Pisa & Florence!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Day 9: Lovely Lucerne

We had a lovely tour this morning around Lucerne. Saw the Lion Monument, in memoriam to the Swiss killed in the French massacre.  We strolled thru the new & old town, along the river, and across the beautiful wooden bridge covered in flowers. The weather is definitely warmer - the heat wave is coming!
Had some free time for lunch to do some exploring, shopping, and eat the local cuisine.
After lunch we took a boat to Stanstead across Lake Lucerne.  It was a beautiful day for a boat ride. In Stanstead, we took a wooden train and a double decker funicular up to the top of the mountain for some breathtaking views!! It felt like we were on top of the world!!
We have all really enjoyed Switzerland and our little town of Andermatt with its beautiful hills, cows,  babbling brook, and cooler temps. Pretty sure we'd all vote to stay here a few more days, but alas we must head south. Today is our midway point, and we have a week to go!!
Bring on Italy!

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Day 8: Switzerland, here we come!

Up and au revoir to France today. We're driving to Switzerland today. We left at 8am, and pretty much everyone crashed. It was very quiet this morning on the bus.
Lunch stop was in this quaint town of Belfort, France. Being in a small town, and on a Sunday, was a challenge,  especially since we were the only tourists there...and we don't  speak much French. But we got lunch, even some ice cream, and heard the bells ring.
Our drive ended about 6pm...10 hrs later in this quaint town of Andermatt, Switzerland. Cute hotel,  great hiking trails...and the kids found cows! They did some exploring after dinner and met some interesting people from Seattle.... I'll let them tell you that story!!! There is an overwhelming sense of never wanting to leave the mountains already...and i agree!!

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Day 7: Last day in Paris

Up bright & early for our Eiffel Tower appointment. As it's Saturday,  there was hardly any traffic. Typically, on Saturdays in Paris there are protests, the "yellow jackets/vests," who have been protesting for a few years. They rarely go where the tourists are so as long as they don't shut down the Metro, we're good!
Our guide met us at the Tower and took us up to the 2nd floor, where she pointed out the main sites. Then, she directed us to the elevator to the summit....surprise... we get to the tippy-top!!! As we were only planning for the 2nd floor, we were all in shock!! What great views from the top!
Next up, we went to Fragonard,  the perfumery,  where we learned about their products,  history, etc....
Had a lunch stop in the Louvre and then off the see the art!  Such impressive pieces... and some interesting ones! So many - its overwhelming!
Dinner was our last stop of the night and then a bus back to the hotel. Throw in some pool time before getting packed up. We're heading to Switzerland tomorrow!!!