Saturday, March 16, 2019

Day 7: School visit, camp & practice....and some good byes!

Today we got up early to go visit the preschool. This was their first week back and we arrived in the last 15 min to not disrupt their whole day! What a great experience to see where their donation dollars go! We were able to make up gift bags for the teachers!
After lunch and some shopping, we headed back up the Hill for the last day of camp! The water balloons were a hit!! Lots of kids came today.  We danced, we laughed,  we smiled, we loved!! At the end we gifted out about 50 gift bags full of toys, candy, socks, and fun!!
We also made it to our last soccer practice for all the levels, and gifted out vitamins. It has been awesome to see how the soccer program has grown over the years.
Saturday is going to be hard, saying our official good byes....

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