Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Day 11-12: LIM-PTY-ORD

Travel is never dull, that's for sure.

Made a pit stop in the beach town of Paracas to see the pelican man, had lunch, and continued on our way to Lima.  Had some van issues about 10 miles from Lima, resulting in Victor only being able to drive in 2nd that added to some fun stories of strange motorcycles & potty breaks....  But, thankfully we made it back safe & sound, with enough time to pack, and get ready for the airport.  Had our last meal in Peru - pizza, and headed to the airport around 1030pm.  As the flight was at 230am, check in started at 1130pm.  Girls got all checked in, easy peasy, and came up to find us in Starbucks.  Had a surprise for them....just as they were semi-calmed from crying, we surprised them with a couple of the boys from Las Lomas....and here came the water works.  :) 
We then had to sadly say our good-byes, but really not a good-bye but more of a "See you soon!"... and off they went. 

First flight to Panama went smoothly, 2nd flight was delayed as they had to change the tires on the plane.  Tires are important!!!  Found the shuttle and off they went.  Made it home safe & sound!

Thank you to Group #3 for being such a blessing to the community of Las Lomas.  I know you fell in love with them as much as they fell in love with you.  Thank you for your time & energy this summer of spending quality time with a community very different from your own.  Thank you to Voices4Peru & Daniel Klopp for welcoming us with open arms.  It was definitely a summer we won't forget!!

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