Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 3: Hiking & Kayaking & Hot springs, oh my!

Pura Vida!
Sorry for the delay - the internet went out on us last night, but looks like it's back & working this morning!!
What a day yesterday it was!  We started off with a lovely hike down to the base of La Fortuna Waterfall.  Even the trek down was precarious, but the view at the bottom was the reward...and it was spectacular!  Kids went into the water, swimming a bit, and other climbed rocks and sat and admired the beauty of nature.  Remember what goes down, must go up, so hiking back up was a great stairmaster work out.

Hiking down to La Fortuna waterfall...remember we'll have to come back up...

La Fortuna Waterfall

After the hike, with our Tour Director, Mario!
After our leg work out, and some ice cream (!!), we headed to Lake Arenal for some kayaking.  We were actually fortunate that it was cloudy, otherwise I'd probably have some fried kids right now.  They still got some sun today thru the clouds, working on our tans.  Unfortunately we couldn't see Arenal Volcano due to clouds, but the cruise around the lake was marvelous!  Kids had a blast!  We took group shots, stopped for a swim, and then made the long trek back.

Kayaking on Lake Arenal

Brooklyn & Brianne ready for fun!

Sam & Mychaela did a nice job rowing in sync...and singing!

A.J. - King of his boat!

Kelsey & Regan taking a break.

Back to the hotel we went for lunch (which kids said was their favorite meal today).  We went to a coffee store where the owner, like everyone, asks where we were from - Iowa.  But this time, he actually knew of the Quad Cities as he used to supply coffee for Java Java and The Rock youth center/Church!!  Small world!!  He turned us into coffee snobs and told us how to look for good coffee, and we got to sample some.  Shopped a bit in La Fortuna town and then heade to Baldi Hot Springs.  There were many pools to enjoy at differing temps & depths & designs. And after a long day, it's good for your muscles!
Baldi Hot Springs

Was a bit humid today, but nothing like Iowa summers.  Kids summary at the end of the day of their favorite part was La Fortuna waterfall.  They're all amazed that we just finished Day 3 as it sometimes feels like we've been here a week because of all the stuff they've done.  Overall favorite things have been Poas Volcano on Day 2 and La Fortuna Day 3.

We're super excited for today, Day 4, as we have our school visit today!!!!!
So stay tuned, feel free to comment, and hopefully we'll have internet at our next hotel, bunkbed-ville, then drug town, then swans...(inside jokes that the kids told me to post!!)  :)

Pura Vida to all!  Stay warm, Iowans!!
Happy Belated St. Patrick's Day!  Erin go bragh!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have all sold me on Costa Rica. What a beautiful waterfall!! Can't imagine having to trek all the way back. (that's why you travel when you're young ! Enjoy ! Regan's Aunt Nancy and Kirk