All good things must come to an end....sadly... And while we've had a great time, done some amazing activities, seen some amazing things, shared many laughs, I think...actually I know...the kids are ready to go home. We've had a few people struck by illness which stinks at the end of a tour to be excited to go home and yet hope you have the energy to get there.
We had a SUPER early flight (7 am) so we left the hotel at 3:30. Upon leaving CR, you have to pay an airport tax -- goes to a variety of funds. Got our selves checked in, thru security and headed to gate. My sickies immediately crashed and there we sat for a good 2 hrs. We did get to see the sunrise from their airport.
Our flights are amazing - San Jose to Atlanta - 2.5 hrs in Atlanta - then Atlanta to Moline. Probably the best flights I've ever had. :)
Some fun times in Atlanta - 5 of us got Green & Blue bagged once we hit customs to head over to Agricultural Inspection. Since we had been on a farm horseback riding, they wanted to do some inspection as well as grill us about food we were bringing back. Luckily nada mucho really happened...but was a new experience for us all. We rechecked bags, went back thru security and headed to our new terminal. Grabbed some lunch...and then I put these guys to work checking papers. LOL
And then finally - the witching hour - our Moline flight. You could see the excitement in their eyes!! Sadly we were greeted with white confetti ...aka snow. :( That's a bit of a shocker...ugh...welcome back to Iowa! But better were all the family & friends there to welcome the kids home!! Being a single mom/Super Aunt for 10 days to 7 teenagers is exhausting...especially when they alllll get sick at one point or another, but I wouldn't trade it for the world!! I absolutely love it!
That's the best part of this job is watching the transformation from Day 1 to Day 10. I love getting to know the kids outside of the classroom, watching them mature over the tour, watching them bond with each other, hearing them practice their Spanish...or at least some of them...seeing their eyes light up a new sights and sounds.
Looking back it's been an amazing 10 days full of soooo many priceless memories!! The following list may not mean much to many of you, but to the kids, I'm guessing they will laugh/giggle/smile when they see these!!
"Why you different??"
"Want me to bleed you??"
Ricardo & his pigeon
"You are smoking hot"
Hacky-sack in Senorita's room
Euchre games
Rubbing egg whites all over your sunburns
that looooooong bus ride in San Jose
Jurassic Park noises at the Kiddie Zone
Mario vs Mare-E-O (sound it out - you'll get it)
leaf-cutter ants
crazy drug dealer hosing the pavement
Mad-libs at dinner
Disco Night
Disco Night #2
mocking Mario on the bus home from folklore night
the big wave
horseback riding
cute guides at whitewater rafting
bus tied to the palm tree
nightwalk without animals...
B.S. game
Mad-libs with the crazies on the beach
Play Boy shirt waiter
ice cream outings before AND after dinner
green-tailed dog
Jumper, the crocodile
sleeping in til
Tarzan swing
hiding under beds & scaring people
belching in the KS boy's face...and then running into him about 3 more times
broken suitcase handles
an amazing homecoming of family & friends :)
"I don't know but I've been told...Costa Rica has me sold."
I could go on as the list is priceless.
Parents: If your kids haven't done it yet, THANK YOU for sending your kids on this amazing journey & sharing them with me for 10 days. It's pretty quiet around here without them... I feel so proud to have had the opportunity to show your kids part of this amazing world we live in. You have some amazing kids!!
Readers: Thank you for reading our blog & commenting - it's a nice tie to the world we left behind, the one we'll be returning to a changed person.
Kids: Thank you for reminding me to laugh & helping me see things with new eyes...your eyes! I hope you continue to travel & know you will always have a special place in my heart!! Dinner just wasn't the same without all of you around... See you tomorrow at school!!!
PURA VIDA!!!!!!!!!!!