Saturday, May 21, 2011


So, this is a tad late, but I guess better late than never!

This was my first Spring Break trip ever- I know, hard to believe, huh!?!? Well, what a great reason to take a trip but to see the nephews!

My brother was transferred to China in August - my sis-in-law & 2 nephews went over in January to stay for 6 months. Going from seeing them once a week to not seeing them for 6 months was unacceptable, so my cousin Amy & I booked tickets to see them during my Spring Break in March. Above is a picture from the airport - Jack was sooooo excited to see me - Will just kept looking at me, waving & saying "Hi Tep-Tep!" Too cute....

After dropping bags off at our awesome hotel, we hit Hard Rock for dinner and then saw a Chinese acrobatic show - amazing!

Next day we hired a local guide to take us around. We couldn't go into Tienanmen Square because a bunch of big-whigs were in town. We went thru the Forbidden City, which was so informative having a guide take us thru...and no one got lost this time! :)

Weather was a complete 180 from July. July was miserably hot & humid - lots of sweat. March - quite chilly - even saw a frozen waterfall. Froze going up the Great Wall, so sadly didn't ride the luge time!

Got to visit the boys' school. They both attend an International School. Jack was having lunch when we went to get Will - he was one of the few without noodles for lunch - lol :)

Jack's birthday is May 16, but we celebrated on March 16. No birthday is complete without a cake & candles. :) I brough a whole suitcase full of goodies for the boys - it was like Christmas! :)

Just like at home, we kicked Eric & Lori out so we could have date night... and no date night is complete without Pizza!!! (although we had to pay for the taxi ride for the delivery girl - weird!)

One afternoon we went for leg massages...heavenly... they started with this warm tea bath, followed by a scalp massage and then the leg/foot massage...sigh...

We did a city tour of Beijing - hit Olympic Park, Birds Nest, Water Cube - places I missed in July.

A trip to China would not be complete without some shopping. Behind that door on the left was a shoppers paradise: purses, Ugs, CDs, etc... They only let in foreigners - not sure if they're knock-offs or if they 'fell' off the truck...who cares - I got a nice Coach for $15 - Lori stocked up.

Our last stop was Temple of Heave Park - it is so much bigger than when I was there in July. We had time to wander this time - was a gorgeous, peaceful place. We would have stayed longer, but we had to get out of the city. Beijing regulates who can drive in the city and on what days. Friday was the day we had to be out by 5 pm.

Was sad to say good bye to the boys, but they'll be back in June. Sadly they come home two days after I leave for Europe, so won't see them until the end of June. No worries - we'll make up for lost time. Aunt Steph dates nights to the rescue!!

Since I have Premier Executive status with United, we got free passes into the business class lounge - yeah, that's how I roll!! :)

What an awesome trip! Here's my great travel companion, Cousin Amy!

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