Saturday, January 1, 2011

Last Day...full of goodbyes!

Sadly, the last day is finally here...not a big fan of good-byes, so it'll be 'see ya later's' from me!

We headed out to see 2 more Emirate cities today: Sharjah & Ajman. Hit the Blue Souk in Sharjah - what a beautiful city with a river & a coast!

We then headed back to Conrete Jungle and went to the Dubai mall. Yes, I was just here last night, but now we had some wander-around time...and photos. Course I had to take my pic wtih the Burj - it will definitely hold specialy memories after last night!

The mall is 4 floors, huge... even has an aquarium that costs about $17 to go thru the tunnel and you could even swim in there too...huge!

Caught a cab back to the hotel for our farewell dinner. Amazing how quickly the 104+ hours can fly by, but yet feel like we were here forever. It's been an amazing week full of new friends and definitely new places!
Helping make this a great time were the EF StafF: Ennie, Matt, Amy, Thea & Brandi!
Many thanks to out to them - great times!!

Also, many thanks to the new friends I made (pictured below).
I hope that our paths cross again soon!!

One group just set off to the airport at 11 pm for their 1:30 a.m. flight. Mine departs at 8:30 a.m. and I have a 5 am bus transfere. REALLY wish I was on United the whole way since this trip just bumped me up to Premier Executive!!! Yippee!!
I have thoroughly enjoyed this long weekend in a place I would have never envisioned being able to visit. It's been quite eye-opening, exciting, awe-inspiring, amazing, memorable time. I'm not looking forward to my 24 hr journey back home nor my lovely Monday inservice, but Work Hard, Play Hard!!
Will be in touch in March, if not before, as I will be spending my Spring Break in China with my nephews ... and Eric & Lori too! :)

Hugs to all - thanks for reading & responding - love it!
~steph :

1 comment:

stempel said...

Concrete jungle had fireworks last night. Safe travels. Vaya con dios.