Friday, March 18, 2016

Day 7: School visit & Horseback riding

Today started out with a scavenger hunt at the local market. The kids sure appreciate Hy-Vee and it's cleanliness a little more.
Next up was our Community Visit Optional.  We visited a school in an agricultural area named CooperarPeru. Sadly no children were in session today but they made us gifts. We took a tour of the school and saw the 3 classrooms and the library. Most of the kids bought shirts and we quickly pulled together some cash to donate. It was a neat experience.
Next up was horseback riding. We went outside of Cuzco up in to the hills. The kids each got a horse, some named Starbrite, Cielo,  Tatoo, Cometa, Bandito, Kitty, etc... They mounted up and headed off to the hills. They made a stop at some ruins and then headed back. I think they enjoyed their rides and had fun.
Our afternoon was free so the kids hit the market and bought quite a bit.
Tomorrow we are heading back to Lima and will hang out there, have our final dinner, and head to the airport. We are looking forward to our dinner as Daniel and amigos are coming! We are excited to hear how the unpacking went.
Not sure if I'll get to blog tomorrow  but will do so when I get home.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Day 6: Trains, busses & Sacsayhuaman

We left Aguas Calientes bright & early to head back to Cuzco. We took a train to meet up with our bus. Our first stop was at Pablo Seminario's studio to see his beautiful studio. Next stop was Pisaq for lunch and some shopping at the local market. It was a nice day to be on a bus after all the hiking & climbing over the past two days. Last stop was Sacsayhuaman ruins before checking in to our hotel in Cuzco. Bonus of the night was ice cream!!
Another beautiful day of weather. Food has been amazing.  Kids have been awesome.  All is well in Peru. :)
Hasta la próxima...

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Day 5: Machu Picchu!!!!!!

To say that today was amazing would be an understatement!  We hopped on a train to the town of Aguas Calientes. From there we caught a bus up to Machu Picchu. The first part is pretty flat, but then the fun begins. Uneven stone steps that zigzag their way up the hill to the viewpoint you are waiting for. Our guide, Sally, made us put on blindfolds for the last 50 yds. Then it was time for the big reveal. Breathtaking. Impressive.  Beyond words. Spectacular. We then hiked all over the complex for the next few hours. You can see why it's one of the Wonders of the World. The weather was perfect. ..sunny with a bit of a breeze. The sun sure is strong...we're a bit red.
After heading back to the hotel, a bunch of kids headed to the hot springs for some well deserved therapeutic time. And some even got massages after dinner as well.
We knew today was one of our highlight days...and it sure lived up to the hype.
Hasta la próxima...

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Day 4: Weaving, salt ponds & Ollantaytambo

Today was another amazing day in Peru!  We started by going to a co-op of women weavers where they showed us how they make their beautiful designs.
Next we headed to the Salt Ponds...amazing was how many there actually are.
After a very popular buffet lunch stop, we headed to the archeological site of Ollantaytambo and hiked up to the top. And what a hike it was!! But worth it as the views were spectacular! The hike down was a bit rough...someone needs to tell the Peruvians about handrails lol
At dinner tonight  we celebrated Caroline's 18th bday!  What a great place to have a bday!
Tomorrow we're off to Machu Picchu bright and early but can hardly wait!!
Hasta la próxima...

Monday, March 14, 2016

Day 3: Cuzco

After our emotional night we crashed but had to get up early to catch our flight to cuzco. The altitude of Cuzco is 13,000, so we came prepared with portable oxygen, candies, and have been pushing Agua on the kids for days. Most did okay, a couple struggled but honestly not bad at all.
We did a tour of Cuzco, went to the monestary, and then up to an overlook point. The weather is MUCH cooler here -some are a bit pink. We are enjoying the food, the weather has been great, and the kids have been troopers!
I have been sharing all the comments about our suitcase donations with the kids. We feel the love from all over!
Until the next post...

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Day 2: Lima & Daniel

Well, what a great first day in Peru!! We did a beautiful walking tour along the promenade in the Miraflores district & saw the Pacific Ocean. We grabbed lunch, did a city tour, stopped at the Monastery, saw the Catacombs, and visited the museum. Mind you it's hot and super humid here, so we sweated our way around Lima.
But the best part of the day was after dinner when PV alum, Daniel Klopp , came to our hotel to pick up the donations we've been collecting for him over the past few months. We surprised him with 37+ suitcases and $1300 cash! To say he was speechless would be the understatement of the century! Way to go Spartan Nation!!
We're up bright and early tomorrow as we're flying to Cuzco and it's 13,000 ft of altitude. Wish us luck!
Until the next post...

Friday, March 11, 2016

#21: PERU

#21 is here and we are soooo excited!  It's a bucket list destination for most, if not all, of us, plus we added an element of service to this trip.  We are bringing donations for a school in Peru run by a PV Alum.  The kids gathered donations and one Sunday afternoon, we packed up 35 suitcases in 20 minutes!  Santa's workshop has nothing on us.  We are excited to help as well as canot wait to see and hear the impact of our generous community will have on another community.  We even made the news:

So, Peru!  We have 13 students and 13 adults....and maybe the biggest highlight is that we have the entire bus to ourselves.  See, even after 21 trips, there's always something new.
 Decent flights - Moline - Atlanta - Lima.  Our guide, Sally, has been quite helpful prior to departure so we are excited to meet her and have her show us her beautiful country over the next 8 days!  Our obvious highlight is Machu Picchu - get ready for an awesome Christmas card :)
So wish us luck with:
security, luggage, altitude sickness, health of all the travelers, great weather, smooth travels, and lots of laughter and great memories!
 Our awesome shirts!

We also wish our basketball boys GOOD LUCK tomorrow as the go for the Bronze!  We are so proud of you & what an amazing season so far!  We will be cheering you on from the Atlanta airport - Spartan Nation!!

Hasta la próxima ~ steph :)